Actions 29, 11, 17, 21, 3233, 36.]3. This trust is equal to a "cut" as it were, of the wealth of the lands that they have raped us of . This new process of "Redemption In Law" is in its infant stages and as successes continue to occur, the authors of the book . It is also to the eternal shame of the Bar Associations, their members, and the Judiciary that has aided and abetted the enforcement of this criminal fraud scheme to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of basic decency and justice. We are supporting it. She couldn't explain to you what she was never given to understand herself, could she? They have been exercising our own "Delegated Powers" and operating "in our names". They will still try to play their "You Can't See Me" games using PARSE SYNTAX as the excuse. The United States [Unincorporated] Just be quiet, take it all in, and think, think, think---- for yourselves. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. It is therefore important to learn PARSE and follow up with a Corollary Deed written in PARSE and added to the land record so that they can't discount or "mistake" your meaning about any of this anymore. Then you. Admiralty Law a violent act directed against a robbery victim. This is a long read and explanation of the circumstance and there are still a lot of things up in the air, but the basic outlines of the situation and the proper steps needed to deal with the Mess as it stands are becoming clear. Citizenship Chart This process explicitly demonstrates--- and recording of the action proves--- that you, the presumed Donor, are acting as a Lawful Person, not a Legal Person. The name for the straw man is your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. I have taken on the task of trying to consolidate everything to date for you. If You Are Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. Reclaim Ownership of Your Name. three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions, specifically designed to deny thechildforever any rights ofReal Property, any Rights as a FreePersonand any Rights to be known as man and woman rather than a creature oranimal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. The British Government is under demand to cease and desist all commercial mercenary actions on our shores and to end all collusion with the Municipal United States Government against the American States and People. And again --- why is all this necessary? Brith Certficates Ho-hum. It has come to our attention that unknown Agents are attempting to register land assets belonging to The United States of America. Going right along with this aim, we all need to learn the "latest and greatest" foreign code---- PARSE SYNTAX---- and use it as Russell intended it to be used, as a defense against falsehood and tyranny. What's more important than what we have just described for you? Legal Fiction Long Form Birth Certificate Question - Who are you? President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Claim your strawman Watch on This is a Private Members Association wpma-26022022-pma expressed into a private trust Title number pa-0014-wilstaff-26022022-pt All information on this website is intended for Private Members As a man: or woman: i, have been lied to ALL my life. No matter what language something is expressed in, whether the grammar is correct or not, we all know when something is unfair. These private "federal" agencies have been used to enslave us, so that the racketeering profits from their activities could be used to enslave others around the world, in a reprise of what Queen Victoria did in the 1850's and 60's --- that is, to sell out and enfranchise the British People to raise money for the Raj in India. I have 2 birth certificates my UK BC CERTIFICATE, THOUGHT ID LOST IT. March 2020 Yes, I said it. What Are The States and Why Do We Need to Assemble Them? Did you know that because the Government loves us so much, they created a LEGAL FICTION (Strawman) for you when you were born? See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here: We know from our study of the history that these organizations are all foreign with respect to us, as our own American State of State organizations have been moth-balled since the Civil War. 247), 30. This is the first step toward being free of all this B.S. Depository Trust Corporation It can no longer be mistaken for an unidentified Foreign Situs Trust. You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it! Copyright Your StrawMan Pay Attention! The ship moves by the sea current just as we are able to move by the currency. See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: They also owe us The Law of Peace, AR 27-161-1. But there is another layer to the scam. Time is of the essence and numbers count, as these crime syndicates know that they have been discovered and that their system has been deconstructed, so that they either make amends or are destroyed by liquidation or worse. Step Two: You have to do the expatriation and the revocation of Voter Registration, too. Misidentified "US Citizen" Now think about that, and know that Your Government is what guarantees these results. ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS - Straw Man And the corporations "acting as" governments that have promoted and permitted any such scheme richly deserve to be liquidated for their crimes. The New World Order is nothing but the Old World Order, an endless repeated attempt to establish a global Roman Empire, an idea which needs to be put out of its misery together with its insistence on distorted musical scales, incorrect calendars, idolatry, immorality, abuse of power, and every other cruelty and stupidity that anyone can name. The idea of using PARSE SYNTAX grammar for the same purpose was a no-brainer for these rats and they have eagerly accepted it. Get your State Assemblies properly populated by Americans operating in their singular capacity as Lawful Persons. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which is an agency of the United Nations. servitutes.servitus actus (s[schwa]r-vi-t[schwa]s ak-t[schwa]s). That alone is a giant step forward toward honesty and truth in commerce. Slave traders. HOW TO RECLAIM YOUR STRAWMAN ,, First you need to download a blank UCC financial statement. The entire Dead Baby Scam is a plot so evil, so fantastical, so bizarre that it beggars all belief, and yet there it is -- exposed at the London Winter Olympics, clearly tracked on the public records of these organizations --- the largest identity theft and credit fraud scheme in the history of the world, all predicated on a fictitious genocide on paper and deliberate misapplication of our Given Names to our amniotic waste materials, substituted for the True Owners of our Earthly estates -- the Zygote and the living baby resulting from the unique Zygote underlying all other claims from the moment of fertilization onward. Next, after enlistment, they declare you to be "dead, missing in action" and issue a Municipal identity --- a nom de guerre --- which can be any variety of your name spelled out in all capitals, most commonly, it appears in military records as "DOE, JOHN MARK". The people of the world have already said no to the Raj, to the Nazis, and we shall say no to any US or Chinese military hegemony dedicated to the same ugly principles of criminal injustice, greed, oppression, enslavement, immorality and deceit. These are private documents, so only his office needs to see them. We have accepted the claim to accept the summons, yet ONLY the dead can be summoned. They had to leave this door open, in order to profit from all this chicanery themselves. Thatlegal person has no consciousness; it is a juristic person, ENS LEGIS, a name/word written on a piece of paper. American state nationals don't require or use marriage licenses. The style, form, and punctuation clearly identifies it as PARSE and implies the grammar that goes with it. Baby Deed Robbery 1323. The temple bar is in London, every lawyer called to the bar swears allegiance to the temple bar. (Treaty of 1213), 21. This is no different than what any Credit Card Hacker or Identity Thief does, except that these organizations have been masquerading as governments and abusing their position of trust as government service providers. The United States of America will continue to work with The American States Assembly to ensure an orderly and safe re-venue process and will continue to press for reform and correction of U.S. operations, proper identification of American Civilians, issuance of credit owed to Americans, and overall restoration of our lawful government of the people, for the people, and by the people. Because you are misidentified in the public record, your land holdings are also misidentified and placed into one of three categories: residential, industrial, or agricultural, when your land of any sort should be classified as private property. It's yours and the facts on the face of every Birth Certificate fully admit it. Since 1933, upon a newchildbeing borne, the Executors or Administrators of the higherEstatewillingly and knowingly convey the beneficial entitlements of thechildasBeneficiaryinto the 1st Cestui Que(Vie)Trustin the, represents one of the 3 Crowns representing the 3 claims of. Proof Of Non-Consent December 2018 You are (1) a living man, naturally having a (2) Lawful Person (Your Proper Name) and living on the land and soil of (3) your State of the Union. The foregoing mish-mash in which you have mistakenly enrolled or taken part in or been coerced to participate in programs meant for "US citizens" results in a lot of entanglements and potential controversies based on adhesion contracts. They are writing to the dead legal fiction. It is also under demand to redirect all Municipal employees to ensure cessation of all false commercial claims and improper probate administrations. Strawman Illusion Explained Once the county birth record is received by the federal government, the bond is created. It's decisions are supposed to be made by you. Get your paperwork done and recorded. Municipal Citizen Of The United States The American States Assembly They lost owner ship of their baby (you) As previously stated, this is not something which they can be blamed for, as nobody told them it would, or even could, happen. Color Of Law 1933 Executive Order Our only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the executor and then collapse the called Cestui Que Vie trust and forgive yourself of your debts and then remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody. HE is officially legally dead, so whatever they do to HIM doesn't matter. Intention. This is a process similar to re-flagging a ship. Depository Trust Corporation Unfortunately, most Americans have been playing Chess while their employees have been playing Parcheesi --- which requires you to learn the new game, which then ultimately allows you to either (1) win the game, and/or (2) flip the table and play whatever game you want to play. constitutionally protected, group of persons. The subrogation of your rights When London burned the subrogation of mens and womens rights occurred. how to reclaim your strawman uk. Dear Ernie. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. Correct Your Political Status Your second job is to reclaim your stolen identity. Common Law Vs Maritime Law And wouldn't that be a nice change of direction? You get a "birth certificate" for the same reason you get a car registration. Now look at the dates on the face of the Birth Certificate. Correct the Deed. We have to understand who we are as men and women and how we can relate in the system. August 2018 If they even think about messing with you, they will see that translation provided for their understanding and go away, far, far away. Such a system only has to be consistent within the framework of its own declared assumptions to be "correct", so, correctness--- as we say in physics--- is in the "givens". (back then operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea). That's the whole paperwork process -- re-conveying the "presumed" Legal Person and permanently domiciling "it" on the land and soil of your State of the Union is called "lawfully converting" it --- moving it home to the land and soil of this country instead of allowing anyone to presume that you are acting as a Ward of a British Territorial Government. We come from our mothers waters. LANGUAGE-OF-BABYLON November 2017 British Territorial United States Citizen You are the actual landlords, so any mortgage credits to be applied under any tenancy agreement has to be paid to you, not taken from you. Pl. Look at the BC issued in your name. We are not amused and continue our demand that all such criminal activities cease, that all false liens be released, and that no such trespasses against us continue. The first thing you are going to do is secure two Witness Testimonies from people who have "reasonable first hand knowledge" of you and your family, who can affirm that you are "the" living man or woman whose birth occurred at such and such a time and place and to your parents, etc. "the" United States And "the" United States Of America Inc. You will notice that the inscription on the birth certificate is your name in all-capital letters. No more reorganizations. April 2019 November 2017 We are doing our "job". What greater profit can you realize by investing in anything else? American Indians and African Americans are under no presumption of servitude nor of obligation nor of any enemy status related to our government and are to be considered American State Nationals like any other American born on our soil, equal inheritors of all natural and unalienable rights and blessings. April 2018 You are home at last. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. as a tenant on your own land, with the State of Whatever as your landlord. This establishes the fact that you re the certificated owner/operator of the VESSELS. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs, part of the U.S. government, even though the U.S. You will bein control your own livesagain. We all need to become very much more aware of the "occupation" of the U.S. Army and the misconduct that has gone on in the international jurisdiction since the so-called American Civil War. September 2019 Share. In sovereign citizens' view, the government-controlled and enslaved strawman is evidenced by documents showing the person's name in all capital letters. See also Final Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance, 2019-008503-0. That confusion is somewhat created and perpetuated by the document itself. For lasts, if you don't, the vermin will never be brought to justice and never forced to change their ways. (SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. What's more important than what we have just described for you? Behind the birth certificate, there is a trust bond, taken out in your name and controlled by the vatican/government/banking system. This traces back to 1666, London is an Independent City State, just like Vatican is an Independent City State, just like Washington DC is an Independent City State. And a lie however it is expressed is still a lie. ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS Straw Man You won't pay "Federal Income Taxes" anymore. This is for the very good reason that they are obligated to keep silence under the whip of 18 USC 472.---knowledge and use of fraudulent conveyances, false securities, etc. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. It's the actual unincorporated and sovereign State of the Union, so they can all go blow. With every birth -- cha-ching! They used official government printing presses and papers and inks and engraving plates to do it. They are supposed to operate under the limitations and in accordance with their employment contracts called the Constitutions. Give notice to the Tax Assessor and demand that your parcel be designated as private property and as tax exempt. It is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al. This ongoing attempted unlawful conversion of land assets belonging to us via registration processes and false claims that these land assets are chattel acquired from the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC., must cease and desist, and the local offices in all the State of State franchises must be re-directed and re-educated to record, not register, land assets belonging to The United States of America, our member States and our People. But what if your government doesn't protect you? VIS COMPULSIVA (Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243), 29. Much less two? You can also get an idea of how this whole strawman concept came about via this link. Returning the BC to the Secretary of the Treasury "surrenders" the "criminal" PERSON back whence "he" came and cashiers the MUNICIPAL "citizen"---- now you still have to deal with the Territorial Citizen---- the presumed Foreign Situs Trust operating under your Upper and Lower Case name. January 2019 You won't worry about "Federal Agents" breaking down your doors. All demands for payment are demands for money. Our States of the Union were never involved in the Civil War, by definition; our states were never bankrupted, either, and our Holding Company, The United States of America, has never ceased to function. A strawman is created to be used in all legal, and financial matters. Corporations Claim To Own You Let this also stand for the record of the entire world that all such bogus Cestui Que Vie ESTATES are dissolved upon their discovery, together with their derivatives, and all beneficial intellectual and material rights, titles, and interests return to the living people to whom these assets naturally belong. The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is responsible for issuing correct Identification Cards owed to all these purportedly "dead" Americans under the Geneva Conventions governing peaceful civilian populations under occupation and correct passports until such time as our States Assemble and The United States of America issues its own passports again. Mr. Mnuchin needs to do his actual job owed to the actual People of this country. It's all criminal. As for the actual owners of this country, the American States and People, dba The United States of America [Unincorporated] andThe United States [Unincorporated] we object to any supposition that the debts and criminality of "the" United States of America, Inc., and "the" United States, Inc., has anything to do with us, our States, our People, or our assets. This makes it easier for us to pay taxes, fines, and court costs, how considerate. You look the DA in the eye and you say, "I am not presenting this certificate for any purpose of identification. But what if your government doesn't protect you? No wonder the British Perpetrators were marching around their effigy of a dead baby, mumbling their incantations in hopes that we would all remain asleep and never, ever figure out what was going on. September 2017, All ]constructive force. What greater profit can you realize by investing in anything else? These refer to the actual event of your birth, and then, some days or weeks later, the "filing" of the paperwork to either (1) pronounce "you" dead and create your ESTATE; or (2) to create "your" PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY. CQV Act 1666 If you never understood all of this before in any of the other thousand Articles and hundreds of thousands of comments and correspondences and books and all else that I have provided for everyone, understand it now, re-read it as often as necessary, and stop asking me to repeat and regurgitate and re-explain over and over and over. We are not dead, not bankrupt, and not amused. So, we noticed what was wrong a long time ago. Do we need any other reason to fire all of them and start over? March 2020 As long as American English is our official language and it has its own punctuation and style conventions, PARSE has to be viewed as a foreign language from our perspective, just like Legalese, Italian, and Dutch. This includes redirecting all Territorial Court Personnel who are present on our soil to stop their trespassing and racketeering activities without exception. The next question is --- other than objecting on the record, what do we do? Printed Paperback book 275 pages from Amazon at this link. Lt. General (Ret.) The Expatriation Act of July 1868 allows you to sign an Act of State and go back to your original status as an American born on the land of an actual state of the Union. If your name appears like this: JOHN ALLEN DOE, the bonds have been issued against your ESTATE on the presumption that you donated it to the State of State or STATE OF STATE Organization. YOUR STRAWMAN- reclaiming your sovereignty! Strawman Illusion Explained And we dusted off our laurels and we got to work. 363, REiff vs. City of Phila. The U.N. also holds all of the land of America in Fee Simple. The vermin responsible for all this fraud and rot have had a long tradition of using "Federal Code" --- think of actual coded language as in "Code Book" --- combined with "Legal-ese", the language of the lawyers, both of which attach special uncommon meanings to common words to form coded communications which are then used to defraud innocent Americans. Tell your friends, your neighbors --- literally all your "countrymen". It is an Eternal Shame that any Church has colluded to Dishonor the Covenant between Mankind and our Creator. Long Form Birth Certificate We have spent years breaking their codes and learning their lingo, so learning PARSE SYNTAX is just the latest challenge, but there is even more profound value in identifying whatever they are throwing at us as foreign language. Since then no one in America has been able to lawfully pay a debt. The 1779 Naturalization Act March 2019 For example, the police (another corporation) can only work around your name. It's on funny paper: hard surfaced, durable, heavy paper called "bond paper". And who are "they" but criminals caught in the act? October 2018 We are in the process of assembling our States of the Union and have posted our Will and Intent as of September 9, 1776 and have re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent as of November 4, 2015. You will bein control your own livesagain. Incorrect punctuation. If you intend to conduct any kind of business outside your state of the Union you will need to post an Indemnity Bond with the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and if you go offshore to conduct business of any kind you will need to notify the U.S. Secretary of State and give them notice. There have just been administrators. Anyone issued a Birth Certificate has been the victim of this fraud. You need to understand the bankruptcy before you can understand the judiciary. Please join the effort, correct your records, [for Do It Yourself Help go to. (Executive Order 12803), 6. This includes every District Attorney, every United States Attorney, every State of State and STATE OF STATE Governor/Governor, plus the US Secretary of State and the US Secretary of the Treasury and the military Base Commanders in your area and every lawyer from here to South Africa. Straw Man - Birth Certificates American State National The problem-- from their standpoint-- is that we found out about all ofthis corruption and criminalityas a result of historical and legal research spanning decades. Are You New To This Information? UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE Straw Man Beginnings I have provided all the instruction as to how you can create the evidence of your true identity as a Lawful Person. The British Territorial Government operating its bogus perpetual military Protectorate on our shores conscripted our doctors, nurses, dentists, and other health professionals as "Uniformed Officers". And nobody is told any of this outrageous garbage going into the service or coming into this world that these madmen and criminals have created "for" us. Now. We are serving Notice on the U.S. Department of Defense with this International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam that we are non-combatant civilians who are owed proper identification as internationally protected persons and who are owed proper passports, too. Having discovered this "mistake" made by your Mother when you were just a baby in your cradle, you have a right to come forward and correct it upon discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1495 & 1493), 24. These offenses against God and Man require swift and determined action, but this fraud has been going on a long time and many people think that their personal profit is tied up in preserving this system; many more continue to mistake it as something "American" when its not. The Birth Certificate is proof and evidence of Unconscionable contracting processes being used to defraud American babies --- literally in their cradles. Straw Man Artifical Person Anyone supporting these incorporated entities in their aims is an accomplice to this profound evil and part of the problem we all face. A servitude, usu. According to Russell, this is their new backdoor trick. You won't be subject to foreign statutory laws. propertyof theRoman Cult, beingReal Property,Personal Propertyand EcclesiasticalPropertyand the denial of any rights to men and women, other than those chosen as loyal members of thesocietyand as Executors and Administrators. The state (London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust. Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means And the pick-pockets are on the run. And they've been misdirecting our Employees to racketeer against us and to misidentify our political status, to impersonate us, and to defraud us. or see the Help Service portal about midway down my website home page to request additional help] and then go to our new sign in service: People are grossly confused about the Birth Certificate, what it is, what it does, why it exists, etc. Department of Treasury at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above), Slaves cant own property. A right of action. A Cestui Que Vie Trust, also known later as a Fide CommissaryTrust and later again as a Foreign Situstrust and also known as aformof SecretTru, being a Temporary TestamentaryTrust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 wherein anEstatemay be effected for the, of one or more Persons presumed lost or abandoned at sea and therefore assumed/presumed dead after seven (7) years. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Corporations Claim To Own You The United States, , not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796 (Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774),, 20. It is evidence of attempting to contract with and establish "unconscionable contract" with an infant. This fraudulent genocide on paper was then used to excuse the creation of trusts by the Municipal United States Government. Existence Of Life -- the IMF supposedly pays the US Treasury around $600,000. Affinity For Life 1.43K subscribers Subscribe 808 30K views 6 years ago A quick video on what your strawman is and the fraud associated with. In Law, this is known as "unlawful conversion" --- a form of kidnapping of assets on paper, which converts the nature of an asset (from living man to corporate franchise for example) and the jurisdiction in which it operates (from land law to sea law in this case). It's a substitute government run by two Federal subcontractors. No money exists to pay debt. This Notice is provided to encourage your understanding and assistance as we address this criminality and enforce correction of The Dead Baby Scam. And this is how they gain "plenary" control to abuse you while you are in the service. (House Report (103-826), 11. And we talked to our friends and neighbors (those who would listen) and we explained what was wrong and we learned more as we went. and, we organized the government we are supposed to have: Your Government.