He was so very, very cold. The people I like know it's real. Ill go, uh, find a medic, Peter said awkwardly before rising to his feet. New York (Nico and the Avengers) 53 parts. Its exactly the kind of canon-compliant fic I thought I would never be able to read/enjoy after Endgame but Im so glad I gave it a chance because this author absolutely fleshes out Morgans character and makes you fall in love with her and Peters mentor/brother-ish relationship to her. I'm Jake Peralta. Her expression morphs into teary-eyed pity as if she were looking at a beat-up puppy, while Peter looks confused as to why she's just standing there and staring at him. Wait, you dont have laser vision, do you? Oblivion rose up and pulled him into its grasp. Uh he breathes out in warning, Think m gonna puke. Peter finds this answer completely unsatisfactory and is about to express that when the door opens and Ned bursts through, looking absolutely overwhelmed. He made to get up and finish the fight, but Tony grasped his wrist. Weird. He doesnt feel particularly warm, but hes soaked with sweat. "I'm sorry, there seems to be a misunderstanding." I meanno, Im not hurt. Chapter 18 The signal cuts off then. 14. "Ah, yes, Mr. Stark, just in time. Later, after the city was largely cleaned up and Captain America was stable, Mr. Stark approached Peter, who was sitting on top of a medical van, swinging his feet idly. Tony appears to notice this too. 2.Peter didn't intend of commuting suicide when he woke up this morning. A few minutes later, Peters stomach growls audibly, reminding him that theyre currently missing lunch. Hey, I think that Steves the real old man here, Wilson. Mr. Stark told him. "You're not.". Tony had missed him more than hed been ready to admit. or: peter gets food poisoning & tony takes care of him. Second, this does get dark in some places. Lets just get out of here man.. Peter experiences a serious car accident and loses the ability to walk. He settles on calling the next-best person to help, too bad (but its the life you lead) byjessicagoddamnjones, Are you even listening to what Im saying?, Jesus, kid he stopped and spun around, placing his hands on Peters shoulders. "There is one other thing. Peter Parker One Shots - 2 Times Peter Was Almost Killed and - Wattpad Playing news report now. The video on the screen before them began playing. Talking. 4. Stephen Strange was confused. Peter finds himself facing off with an unlikely foe. Wow Im so glad I asked, Michelle remarks, her voice flat. "Oh, I understand plenty. 7. Just felt sick for a second. Reader Insert ; No quirk, but she still wanted to be a hero. "Finally!" A sudden thought occurs to Peter and he starts to reach for the mask, but is instantly stopped by the other twos glares. It lifted up easilya lot easier than the ceiling of a warehouse; that still gave him nightmaresand he tossed it away. Racing down the hall, Tony noted that the alarm and flashing lights were all over the compound and that the rest of the Avengers team were on their way to the conference room as well. Kid, you okay? Tony asked as his helmet retracted into his suit. Ned asked the nurse after a few minutes. Chapter 12 You brought butter?. 6. new chapter you fucks: ch 6 pt 1 The principal continued to tell Flash what would happen to him. Shut up." Im coming. Friday contact Karen, Tony ordered tersely. Chapter 1 I want to write asthmatic young!peter and irondad but i need to read more asthmatic Peter to get a feel for it! "That's going to make this a whole lot more awkward, but for what you've done, Eugene, you will be sent to trial. You think hes being poisoned?!. You lost a lot of blood by the time we got there, and then the ambulance didn't show up for five minutes. Peter needs me. ), Takes place after the ferry incident in Homecoming. "Question number seventeen. "He had a broken nose, two broken ribs, and the back of his head was bleeding severely. Someone is shaking him by the shoulders. Its nothingIm fine, Peter quickly denies. I don't care that you think it isn't." his clothes were ripped and something was definitely now piercing his bellys skin. She checks him overshines a light in his eyes, draws some blood, and makes careful note of his vitalsbefore deciding hes okay to extubate. He knelt next to the fallen Captain, trying to ignore the worried demands of his teammates. Is he okay?, Uh Peter cut off as Mr. Stark strode over and knelt next to Captain America. She picked them up, walked over to Peter, and placed them in front of him. Peter gives a small nod of acknowledgement. It's almost (?) Biometric readings showed Peter had been shot three times and was falling. What happened?! But hes managing. Peter purses his lips and took out his hearing aids, placing them in her hands. Stark saved you, he said firmly. He loathed them with every bone in his body. When the bad guys converged on one spot, Peter knew it was bad news. Put your hands up,theman ordered roughly. After Peter gets accidentally drugged, he confuses Tony for Ben while in a precarious situation. And two, Mr. Stark says I gotta stop doing acrobatics when I think no one is looking., Yeah, hes probably right, Ned agrees. Peter thinks he briefly heard Ned try to defend him, but it went ignored by both parties as Flash started to wrap his hands around Peter's neck. Why he was sitting on the top of a random Manhattan skyscraper, Peter had no idea, but he shot a web towards the guy and ripped the weapon out of his hands. She uses a stethoscope to listen to his chest for a few moments and seems to approve of whatever shes hearing. He let a grin spread across his face, for he knew his dad would see too it that Ms. Egdirbmu wouldn't be his teacher again, not for another second. Not Peter. Tony goes on a hunt for the kid. Then the same is done to his jeans. Well get it out soon, bud, dont worry, Tony promises. Avengers One Shots (COMPLETED) - Peter and the Rogue Avengers Tony's eyes were dark with fury. He visibly tensed. Petermj Stories - Wattpad "I know it's real. Fri, bring the lights up. I think I want to get to know you better first. Peter quipped, pretending to lower his hands to clamber onto his knees. They really sucked." No but we have apples, he says, pulling three small Braeburns out of a paper bag. One arm wrapped around his middle, Peter spits a few final strings of bile into the dirt before shakily straightening back up. Tony took a step forward. Perhaps you should give me your phone number as well so you could check up on him." Ned catches his meaning straight away. I'm bleeding out for you, for you. Give me everything you have., Karens last signal was at 3.07am. Peter Parker acts like a spider, and he finds a little surprise (he can now make his own webs, just it really isn't him). 2. Look, kid, Thanks, Mr. Stark! Peter said, doing a backflip off the van and reaching up to snag a building with his web-shooters. Peter's mind races, I can't take off my shirt all of the scars, the muscle! You can call me Jake. Peter frowns. An-And there was this white foam coming out of your mouth, and God! I, uh, hope you don't mind that Karen put my number in your phone." peter parker grimaced as the sharp pole stuck in his leg moved slightly, he was stuck under a building again. Peter stumbles a few steps over to the side of the path and leans forward, hands braced on his knees. Hi, Hawkeye!, Quick as lightningwell, maybe not that quickClint Barton whirled and sent an arrow flying right at Peters face. byeva7673. Hey losers, youre not lost are you? Michelle calls over in her usual bored tone. T-minus uh, yeah, Im here. He waved brightly at the clustered criminals who were brandishing their automatic weapons at the trapped and unconscious Captain. Pepper convinces Tony to bring Peter along on his first dinner with the Rogue Avengers since their pardoning. Unoccupied and near him?, No one sounded an affirmative until Peter did. 5 times peter parker passes out in front of various friends and family members + the 1 time he passes out in front of tony (and tony flips his shit) 5 times Peter said he didn't feel so good by . Police-Man." "Sorry for this part. peter grunted as he pushed, the pole lifted and he gasped, letting go of the slab and the pole sliding down fast and welty through his leg. Can she bring your backup one? Ned asks worriedly. Delirious Peter is one of my faves so Ive got a truly absurd amount: Elevator Freeway by @awesomesockes & @whumphoarder. No! he exclaims. Chapter 10 He feels vaguely nauseous now and theres a weird tightness building in his chest thats starting to wig him out. The words trickled out of Peter's mouth before they'd really even formed, but Tony understood them. Of course notwhy would you think that?, Michelle scoffs. "I'm sorry, was I supposed to answer a question?" Then his brain fills with static and he blacks out. He says hes dizzy., Breathing through a wave of nausea, Peter tilts the phone screen back his direction. avengers fanfiction peter bleeding out. a numb road forward by @whimsicalethnographies. A shaky, badly lit amateur phone video begins, with a voice over from Jameson. "Would my expect you too. In My Shawarma? Yep, he definitely needs a blood sugar boost. I understand that I heard a ruckus, and when I come to investigate, I saw you slamming Mr Parker against the lockers and trying to choke him. Or, Tony Stark talks a drugged-up Spider-Man through a kidnapping escape. And then you threw up and you were choking on it and I-I didnt know what to do, I just, I couldnt think and, Peters own eyes are stinging now. "He was following her from the bus station in Queens. Peter peeled his mask off, wincing as the fabric scraped against the grazes on his cheek, but kept his head low until Tony took his chin and lifted it himself. God, a little warning next time. Peter muttered as he resumed going again. To Ned, she repeats, Whats wrong with him?, I dont know, Ned answers worriedly. Tony is standing next to his bed, his face calm, but eyes full of concern. Beta'd by SeetheSea (and borkybarnes). What? Im texting Bruce. Condiments cant play doctor by14million_constellations, That gets Tony to look up instantly. Breathing in the chemicals YUUEEEUH by @wolfypuppypiles, Peter and Bucky are trapped and Peter DOES NOT like small spaces. And he loved it. Who ever said anything about spiders having a good sense of direction? Peter shoots back. Ned nodded. Cannot recommend highly enough. dailyavocado, Cheerful_with_a_Twist, cant_find_a_good_username, BatmanWhoLaughs666, Hesiniel_Lonto, SilentEntropy, Crovus_Azrael, asksomebodywhocares, yunasama, StarkidFan_NumberOne, Junebug_isunavailable, SeizureslashScoot, ProbablyAHuman, Phantom_Berry, Articwolfplayz, Reader_0709, daemon_kitsune, zolareclipse, Valetudinarian, Imscaredofyou, Amoureuse_tbh, H_Noir, kwardart, BakaKurisu, thr_chrs_fr_rvng, hyucks_chittaphon, Whathasmy_lifecometo, Watermelon_avocado, Hello_Friends, cryingtodeath, a_side_character, dextho, Just_Another_Fangirl_54288, BigGalaxyChaos, Nerdygirl99, Cat_kai, hattrick777, Imauselessartist, Loka__Lokis, Alicetenscia, CheshireLearell, ymnkn, Oliver_966, TheREALGhostSpider, Myhy, Whatintheworld14, adtwmx, ThatLilBroccoliBoi, Stone7046, Blech____________BLECH, and 38 more users "I like your badge Mr. Sr. Police-Man. The footage cuts out for a moment, and Jameson reappears, looking solemn. , -, , . "What did you say?" Steves brow furrowed and he brought a hand up to his forehead, as though he had a headachewhich he probably did. Hey, Karen. Peter said to his AI as he leaped past Hawkeye down to the streets below. Aunt May, it hurts, make it stop, please make it stop! But how? Chapter 21 He passes Peter the ice pack, earning a grunt of thanks. "Will he be okay?" I said, Ill throw down the supplies.. Work Search: Little Peter is about to be under quite a lot of pressure, and it might get a little hard to breathe., tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, If You Can't Catch A Breath (You Can Take The Oxygen Straight Out Of My Own Chest), yo lets all get together and celebrate my babe parkrstark. Please consider turning it on! Shabbiness Doesnt Matter by @yellowdistress - Tony accidentally injures Peter in a sparring match, but Tony is definitely the one more shaken up by it. and quickly launched himself on top of it. Eugene Thompson Sr screeched. ), You Leave Me Breathless by fifteenminutesoffame. Ive got eyes on Cap, he announced to the general comm. Please consider turning it on! Chapter 6 Sort by: Hot. Flash had never been the brightest, so he continued. Captain America is hurt, Peter told the medic, jabbing a finger in the direction of the two Avengers. Who knew Flash actually had it in him. The Thompson's ran into the office right as this exchange begun. Peter Parker and Peppermint Dont Mix by @spider-man-stan, In which Peter gives Tony and the gang a rather festive health scare on Christmas Eve, A Poison That Never Ached byfriendlyneighborhoodash. Why Would I Tell Him About The Churro? Diazinon poisoning, Tony explains. "Because you didn't let him explain that his 'wireless headphones' are his hearing aids." The tightness in his chest is growing steadily worse and he has to breathe faster to compensate, which is doing nothing to help his dizziness. He'll freak out. He lowers the mask again. Hours? His stomach twists and cramps and he retches miserably. Mr. Leeds, Ms. Jones, Ms. Shuri, please take Mr. Parker to the nurses office." The terrifying bang, bang, bang that sounded through the hall. "Oh, Mrs. Stark! "Hi! "You did what?!" He sneaks a glance towards her, only to see her eyes widen - his senses screaming at him a second too late as he hears someone call out, Watch out!. Go find a medic, would you, kid? Peter has never been one to run from a fight, even without his suit. Cyanide? 4697 guests Is he okay? Peter interrupted without really thinking about it. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Not to mention his spidey sense is going haywire. Grounding him. Super emotional and heartwrenching, with both physical and emotional whump, but also sweet and light in parts. Are we really discussing this? Captain America and Black Widow asked at the same time. And its gonna be only organic farms for you from here on out.. Cold. Not my fault he went all the way to Brooklyn. Shuri nodded. It felt like hed slammed into solid concrete, like hed been shot, stabbed, torn apart. Where are any of us really going, Peter? she says cryptically. And if Mays happy, then Peter is happy. If this really is asthmaand hes still not convinced it ishe likely needs something a lot stronger than his expired old inhaler. Peter stares at him with genuine interest, the fever flushed high on his cheeks. The fight was overthe rest of the Avengers had seemingly taken care of all the bad guys and secured the Chitauri weapons. One might say that the narrator is not that smart because they keep saying dangerously but it intent true. - Bleeding Out (discontinued) - Frost(They/He) - Wattpad 11. His favorite hoodie is suddenly snipped down the middle and hes quickly freed from it. Peter's eyes start to feel really heavy. Stay with me, Mr. Stark says. mr. Fitting In (Tiny Spaces) byaloneintherain. Uh, because Peter has his head slammed against the lockers so much, he appears to have lost his hearing. !, His friend shrugs. The nurse at Midtown was one of the cool ones. The caller ID was Mr. Sr. Police-Man Jake Peralta. Im fine, just probably need lunch, Michelle looks him over appraisingly. You know, this really isnt a good way to deal with stress. Peter told the guy as he shot another web, sticking him to the side of the water tower on the top of the building. Time is weird right now), he starts to fade back in. So then, Monday morning, sixth period lunch he did it. [more drugging than poisoning, but I cant make a rec list without it, honestly]. Nevertheless, hed swung over to the Williamsburg Bridge and avoided the congestion building up at both ends by swinging underneath the structure. Despite the tears, Ned barks out a quick, almost hysterical sounding laugh. HolyWait. Online. It should really be more of an elementary school activity, but their teacher had argued something about team building experiences and first-hand knowledge of agriculture giving the school a potential advantage at the upcoming tournament. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. everyone is booked. Peter frantically raced back to Captain America and checked the dazed but conscious Avenger for any new bullet wounds on his spangled suit. And no matter how hard he tries to keep these things from the Avengers, they're always going to find out. You need to be careful., Mr. he was alone. 17.2K 344 238. by JakeyP99. Peter was groaning on the floor of the alley, cops on their way. Maybe you can do one of your leaps and look over the stalks, Ned suggests, gazing up at the top of the corn surrounding them. Its okay.. Ned is trying to talk to him, but his voice sounds muffled, almost like theyre underwater. It goes to hell in a hand basket. 17. Peter made a beeline for the nearest black vehicle and dropped down in front of the medic outside of it. Stark! Peter said indignantly as he swung around the grouped-together men (that was stupid, he wasSpider-Man!). Most were in their pyjamas, like he was. While at the 99th precinct Jake was saying to his desk partner and fiance Amy, "I have Spider-Man's number. The nausea returns full force and he gags, then chokes. Everywhere, really. Pain in his back, his arms, like theyd been ripped from him, muscles torn apart. Aren't you supposed to be a Queens hero?" You don't need to be scared of me. There were a few SHIELD medics in their inconspicuous black vans as well as normal city ambulances. Yeah, I dont know either, kid, Tony grumbles. Like in Die Hard." Ill put TWs in the A/N for those chapters. 1-Peter didn't think it was a big deal. You're loosing a lot of blood and you need to breathe and I doubt the mask is helping." Tony drags his unwilling intern to the Annual Stark Industries Gala. Tony helps Peter deal with some of the vulnerability involved with not being a genetically modified spider-kid anymore. The principal motioned for him to do something. My office, now! Ive known since February., Wait a minute she says thoughtfully. Hold On Chapter 1, a Spider-Man + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Peter pulls his knees up to his chest and lowers his head down to meet them, eyes closed. Neglected Peter Parker - Works | Archive of Our Own They dont like that person. We cant get to you easily. Do you know any good fics where Peter is disoriented from either being hurt or sick? 2. Snot asthma, Peter protests. Tony said dangerously. "mr. stark i . "You didn't believe that my son had an internship with me. The Red Room and HYDRA have united to undertake a top-secret project: Create a human spider with super human and spider-like abilities. I am unable to contact Karen, or Peter, the AI replied, sounding apologetic. No, not that. He takes a few short, painful breaths. I forgot to call the dad.. Morgan stays because she wants to see him wake up and smile at her like that, too. At the sound of the alarm, he had rushed back out of the supply closet and was fussing over the monitors now. how could he let himself become trapped TWICE? Peter snapped his eyes open, blinking a couple times to clear his vision. (See the end of the work for more notes.). The accent was American, a dry, sarcastic lilt to it, and, yep, thats definitely Black Widow. Nothing to freak out about! "Yes he is." Lets go, Tony said curtly. "What's for dinner mom?" (this one is really adorable. He starts to think he should have kept the kid home, as the night quickly descends into chaos. Go help him!. look spider-man we are a little busy as you probably can tell. Peter holds one out to his friend. [chap 5] when will i stop whumping them? 5. Peter is drugged while on patrol, but makes his way back to the Tower. Never mind. Gotta say, dude, not super impressed with the whole spidey sense thing, Ned says as they trudge through the muddy corn maze. In which Peter Parker gets stabbed with a knife laced with poison and Tony has to come and deal with the aftermath. On, he commands, lightly snapping the elastic band against Peters cheek between each word for emphasis. Are you alright?! , . A very loud, extremely annoying horn sound blared through the ceiling speakers. If you thought Tony was mad before, you were dead wrong. Her brow furrows just the smallest bit. So what he was loosing a lot of blood and had AB- blood, the blood type that 1 in every 162 people has. Pretty sure we established that when you puked in a corn maze. What had changed in the span of twenty-four hours? 4. Peter laughed. Parental Obligations bywanderinghooves- Peter gets sick while May is out of town, and responsibility falls to Tony. Whats some good Peter whump stories youve read recently? Okay, I got you. Ned grabs Peter by the elbows and helps lower him down to sit on a relatively dry part of the ground. ~one day later~ Peter was in his room chilling out when his phone rang. He was spinning, tumbling, and turning out of control, being flung in every direction. Thanks for checking up on me thought. Need to sit, he mumbles. Anyone but Peter. Ned grabs his elbow as Peter moans. Cap! Peter yelped, flinging himself forwards and shoving him out of the way. They began leading him out of the room, reading his rights. Peter wonders if Michelle was going to watch him during tryouts - only to wonder if that would be worse, considering his inability to focus when she was around. left kudos on this work! Were just taking the scenic route.. His eyes dart around the room for a few seconds before realizes where he isthe Avengers compound. After the Avenger's rescue him, Tony has trouble being there for Peter-- even if he's doing the best he can, his absence convinces Peter that he is no longer wanted. They encountered that bump in the road a few years ago, and they worked through it, eventually coming out better than they went in. he cried out in his mind, but he couldnt speak the words. Struggling to draw in breath, Tony could feel his heart pounding. *waves cheerily*This is my first stand alone MCU fic and Im so excited to share it with you at last. Tony comes to take care of him. Oh my God, Karen, could you turn the volume down? Youre not hurt, right? The genius seemed too preoccupied with searching the Captain for injury to actually focus on Peter. Tony hadnt been able to stop Peter. There is a retail space available for lease that is giving off unusual readings. "You! 9. He's not wrong. Hey, put me back on the Avengers comm, wouldya? As soon as he heard the audio switch from the background to the foreground, he spoke up again. A third cop gasps and runs over to Peter. Catch up, old man!. Theres a mask over his mouth and nose, forcing air into his lungs. 5 Times The Avengers Scared Peter - Archive of Our Own "Yeah, uh my phone number is 9173434273." Peters heart drops. The signal cuts off then. What are some of ur favorite whump fics that felt particularly real to you? "Here's who loves him: An entire NYPD precinct, the CEO of a major company, a trillionare genius who's also Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, the Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor the God of Thunder, Loki the God of Mischief, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Iron Patriot, Star Lord, the most deadly woman in the galaxy, a talking tree, a talking raccoon, Ant Man, Drax the Destroyer, Captain Marvel, The Wasp Original, The Wasp New, And I'm sure there's more we're forgetting but we have to read you your right now." "Well why can't Peter Parker tell me that for himself?" I mean, baby steps, right? But now his stomach is cramping and food seems like the worst possible idea. Ah, Stark, youre late to the game! Sam Wilson called out as he shot by overhead. Morgan and Tony play along. He starts to rifle through the contents. Tony, now on the phone, hears the nurses next breakdown very clearly. Hey man, he croaks out. If Peter had enough air left to care, he would have been surprised. Tony shuddered inside the suit, and poured more power into his flight speed. avengers peter bleeding at school Fanfiction - Webnovel I told you. What, did I scare your poor little spider-butt? Tonys voice sounded amused, but Peter could hear the sounds of explosions and faint screaming through the audio feed. Both boys let out an annoyed groan as they turn around to backtrack once again. left kudos on this work! Kid, were cut off for now. The room got really quiet. Coming home from patrol, Peter Parker runs into more than he bargained for. I didnt know anything and it was so awful I-I cant He takes a deep breath and shakes his head. He paused, then continued his narration as the video began playing once more. He shoves his hand into the gauntlet. Chapter 11 Peter sustains a severe head injury on patrol and deals with the subsequent recovery. Hes fine, dont worry about it, Tony quickly assures, making a dismissive gesture with his hand. Typical.. He said, slamming his locker closed. His ears are ringing, his chest and stomach hurt, and hes seeing black spots in his vision. He spotted another guy in faded fatigues sneaking up behind the archer and swung right past, extending his legs and sending the guy flying off the building. WebMD will save me.. Instead, the scene that greets him is somehow inconceivably worse. (Or, five times Tony makes Peter sit out on a mission + one time the tables are turned. I'm calling your parents." My brown eyed girlbySparrowFlight246- After the final battle, Peter takes on the role of becoming Morgans Person. Right. You had like, four seizures, man, he goes on, his voice thick with emotion. Call Mstr Stark, he gasps out. "Karen, should we put Peter's mask back on so the doctors don't know his identity?" Well, hes got the mother of all concussions and a few cuts and scrapes, but hell be fine., Good, Peter breathed. Pepper nodded, a murderous look crossing her face. Plus one Asthmatic!Tony rec because its awesome: It Only Hurts (When I Breathe) byOcean_Born_Mary. So when he stood up for himself, you took that as the it's alright to try and murder him!?" Bethanyyyy!!! Tony is there to help him start to fit again. She began writing a detention slip. "You know what dad, I'm right you're wrong. Peterromanoff Stories - Wattpad Hey, Mr. Stark, see that empty rental place on the corner?, There are alien weapons in there. you heal me like the light of day by @searchingforstarss. left kudos on this work! (a collection of loosely-connected one-shots that involve Peter as the main attraction, featuring other characters. as well as Crack one-shot that I wrote based off of a tumblr/pinterest text post that I saw like years ago. Chapter 22. Really, really scared. He blasted off into the sky, Rhodey right behind him, as the rest of the Avengers sprinted to the Quin Jet. Peter was really confused for a second before he realized that she meant his hearing aids. They turn around another corner and are met with a dead-end and a yellow sign stating You look Corn-fused!. As his friend approaches, Peter can see that Neds eyes are red and a little swollen. Good. Yeah, just enjoying the whole fall aesthetic here, Ned says, spreading his arms out in an encompassing gesture. Ms. Egdirbmu was walking around. Isn't that what Deadpool calls you," Peter's eyes widen slightly. "I'm Karen, Peter's Artificial Intelligence. Its the Cinderella AU you never knew you needed, but dont want to live without. Peter gasps, then gags again. First some housekeeping this is set after Spider-man Homecoming, and in it the Rogues come back instead of vanishing or being sent to jail/house arrest because I love found family. Hey, Karen! He called out as he stepped off the roof of the skyscraper hed stopped on. After Peter uses the gauntlet to defeat Thanos and survives, Morgan explores a new relationship with the brother she was never supposed to know as she helps him through his recovery. Big deal! He shivers violently. Why was his alarm going off? Nothing to freak out about! Blood letting, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Bleeding In Slow Motion - An Avengers Fanfiction Chapter 1: Prologue Unfortunately, things dont always go as planned. "No, sorry your friend must awnser the question on his own." It was supposed to be a chilled night. Just then the monitor starts beeping loudly and Peter realizes hes had the mask off too long. Im from the future and I need your help, he said, heart pounding as Stranges eyes widened with realisation.
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