Trudeau. The Government is taking over our, Greg Hunter of as he interviews Dr. David Martin, the top expert in the ongoing and, On 10 March 2022, theEuropean Parliament establisheda new special committee on the, On February 14, 2022, the federal government declared a public order emergency under the, 31,487 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs. A One-Time Donation (You choose the amount): A $5 Dollar bill, a 5 Euro bill, a few Pre-1965 silver dimes, or a booklet of Forever U.S. postage stamps sent in the mail also works! "His reckless disregard to preserve, protect and endorse the citizens of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, along with his current negligent spending of over $300 billion of our tax dollars to drag our economy into a depression, as well as for following the wrong and disastrous protocols of a privately owned corporation called the World Health Organization. Arbitrator Rules: Unifor Local 444, Stellantis Vaccine Mandates To End, Ruling In Favour For Nurse Who Was Fired For Refusing Covid Jab. It actually did, no longer a democracy. Instead, he has decided to divide, defame and inflame." Additionally, a petition has started on demanding a vote of No Confidence in Parliament against Trudeau, which would initiate the process of removing him from office. If a new party leader is appointed, they will win. Reply. America is Rising! Jan. 31, 2022. In 1974, the House of Commons passed a motion of no confidence and brought downPierreElliott Trudeaus Liberal government. However, I really do believe that while Trudeau wont give Poilievre time to do this, he will be given the time and opportunity by the Conservative Party apparatus without the internal war continuing. Do you have anything Sir? The House of Commons has voted to approve the use of the Emergencies Act against the Ottawa convoy protests with a vote of 185-151. She wins. Dr David E Martin and a group of Canadian scientists and activists, Records show, Canadians bankrolled the WEF to the tune of nearly$3 millionduring the, Belinda, who is the partys president, was elected as a Progressive Conservative MPP for, Thank you to all of the presenters that participated in our event. For Ron Vaillant, the United Nations is the biggest threat to Canada. (REUTERS/Blair Gable). UN Forces Seek to Hijack Religion for Globalism We Must Know This, BC Mandates Draconian Cl9 Regime For Health Care Professionals, Raquel Dancho Truth: Gun Control: Removed From House of Commons, Parents Protect Your Kids, Clear & Trusted Research on Cl9 Shots, Baby Will Medically Kidnapped. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada has tested positive for the coronavirus after an exposure last week. Trudeau also praised Cuban dictator Fidel Castro after his death. Erin OToole had Poilievre, Charest, and assorted others. The federal Liberals and New Democrats have finalized an agreement that, if maintained, would keep Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government in power until the end of the current . The Party will also have to be ready for the impending massively negative campaign the Liberals will without doubt run against Poilievre. He said on Twitter that he was not feeling ill. Justin Trudeau still unwilling to hold an inquiry into Chinese interference despite vote from committee Share this article in your social network Share this Story: Trudeau MPs eye Ontario Liberal . Intense interview by Dr Paul, You cant hide the bodies. Listen to Kid, Governor DeSantis hosts a roundtable with physicians nationwide on ending COVID theater once and, Digital New Brunswickis a strategy that will help improve the way the government serves New, Sodium azide, according to the CDC,4 the chemical acts rapidly and is potentially deadly. Nearby parking lots were used as urinals, our skies were filled with firecrackers as they were hurled down streets every night, and the air was thick with diesel fuel.. Concerned members of the, I have just been arrested and charged at my Catholic high school for attending class after being. If Trudeau does run, he will win. not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without the prior written permission of (TBD). The petition, started two weeks ago, now has 230,000 signatures. This means campaign volunteers and financing will be easier to come by, and the caucus may be better behaved with the prospect of a cabinet position being on the table. YME, Republican Florida Gov. Trudeau and the newly sworn in ministers in Ottawa on Oct. 26, 2021 (Courtesy of Alex Ttreault/PMO) On Sept. 20, voters returned a Parliament that will look a lot like the one Justin Trudeau was . Honestly, its been 2. And while campaigns matter, he didnt deliver a majority as recently as a year ago and there isnt any compelling evidence to suggest that Canadians have fallen in love with him again in the last twelve months. OTTAWA, Ont. BECOME A PART OF HISTORY: TESTIFY AT THE NATIONAL CITIZENS INQUIRY, FCC builds strong relationships and shares knowledge and expertise with thousands of customers, While the Environmental, Social and Governance [ESG] movement might be politically popular in, Governor Ron DeSantis delivered his second inaugural address from the steps of the Florida Historic, Catherine responds to recent postings by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin, Dr. Robert Malone, and Jon, There are more cameras tethered to the internet in the United States, then there are in China. The Prime Minister should lead by reducing tensions at this time. | Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via AP. Pat King Secretly Records Interview With Fifth Estate. And they will be banking on the wheels falling off a Poilievre led Conservative Party before the wheels fall off the Liberal Party, just as they did under Scheer and OToole. Snake Venom? Andrew Scheer had Bernier, OToole, MacKay, Poilievre, and Charest all looming in the background immediately after his win. To hammer this home, consider the current state of play in the Liberal caucus. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona, The PeoplesParty of Canada Going to the websites of the parties one finds: The governing, TBOF Chairman: Statesman Brian Peckford is the Former Premier of Newfoundland-Labrador and he is, Dr. Bryan Ardis, believes White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci knows that the toxic, The Canadian government trampled on fundamental human rights with its COVID restrictions, then, Hinshaw cross-examined in court amidst legal challenge of Alberta public health orders. The petition accuses Trudeau of violating people's Charter rights, reading: "We, the undersigned citizens of Canada demand that Justin Trudeau step down as Prime Minister and as Leader of the Federal Liberal Party. Sent to The Standard, and The Post Feb. 18, 2022, I'm on a mission to convert my family to an eco-friendly, permaculture gardening, living on the land and off the grid, lifestyle of deep Earth connection. Please Share, Boycott? Further, Canadas federal privacy watchdog has launched an investigation into the. This is going to real trial. Moyie Springs, Idaho 83845, Call us if you have Questions 800-627-3809. Rocco was brilliantas he argued the merits of the case in, The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 were voted down by the, No Vote To Remove Mandates | Misleading/Fraudulent Emails Sent By Poilievre Campaign, Para el espaol, haga clic aqu. Covid Vax Poisoning, Pharmaceutical Terrorism! Debates have been cut short too many times in this House of Commons, on issues that deserve lengthy scrutiny. Mark Carneys name is perpetually thrown around (but no Liberal is certain hes serious about running for the top job). And, it would be much more difficult for Poilievre to consolidate and effectively use his new power if he was forced into a general election while being brand new to the role. Dr. (The same effect respectively happened in the Liberal Party with Stephane Dion, Michael Ignatieff and Justin Trudeau.). In exchange for support from the New Democratic party on key votes . Justin Trudeau is Going To Prison How Many Lives Will it Take? Crown Drops More Saskatchewan Covid Tickets POSTED ON: APRIL 26, 2022 SASKATOON, Douglas College Student Arrested 4 No Mask. We . In an application for judicial review, Democracy Watch contends that his move to call a snap election late last summer was in fact against the law. Trudeau looks frazzled and defensive trying to explain why he called an election at all. v. Canada The Justice Centre is funding this legal and constitutional challenge to the, A British Columbia secondary school is promoting aworkshopthis week for students, And this story, shall the good man teach his son! Some CAN$17.6 billion are earmarked for green initiatives, including helping companies reduce their carbon footprints and supporting public transport projects in large cities. Declining winnability means it will be harder to go back to the well for support if the team begins to seriously wonder if hes a liability to their future success, as many are probably doing this summer. Also, February polling clearly shows that. Trudeau, however . Again, Poilievre will be enjoying a period of stability in his caucus while Trudeau is seeing a decrease of the same in his. I cant go out, Transgender Navy SEAL Detransitions: Going Trans Destroyed My Life. His survivalist novel Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse, is a modern classic that reached #3 on the New York Times bestsellers list. If the Prime Minister walks out of the House of Commons one more time, it should be considered a vote of non-confidence in himself, and trigger an election. Canada Wake UP! And while publicly Im sure that if pressed, the Liberals will continue to put on a good front, its clear to anyone looking closely that the Liberal caucus is starting to keenly understand what its like to be asked to unite behind someone who is losing the capacity to win. Declining winnability means it will be harder to go back to the well for support if the team begins to seriously wonder if hes a liability to their future success, as many are probably doing this summer. Just over 200 union members, B.C. Justin Trudeau May Not Get an Immediate Vote of No Confidence in Parliament But The Canadian Citizenry Is Giving Him Their Own, With Their Bank Runs Related news link: Did Justin Trudeau's Financial Crackdown Really Spark a Bank Run in Canada? While a single set of approval numbers arent a case for long term concern, theyve been trending downward for some time now. Under an agreement negotiated in secret and announced Tuesday morning, the NDP has pledged to sustain Trudeau and his Liberals in office through June 2025, by voting with the government on all . The most senior people behind the Poilievre victory many of whom are veterans of Stephen Harper government - will rightly have little tolerance for the lack of winning election narrative or clarity on key issues that have dogged successive losing federal Conservative campaigns. Prime Minister sees it as a vote of confidence in government Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during a news conference in Ottawa, on Feb. 21. Trudeau has burned a lot of capital with his caucus and his cabinet to toe the line on scandal and incompetence. c/o P.O. Unlike Scheer and OToole, Poilievre will also have the benefit of beginning his tenure with a significant social media reach and national presence. We are going to take our world back. And finally, on the all important point of a leaders team thinking they might be able to win an election, its clear that a significant portion of both the party caucus and membership wholeheartedly believe Poilievre can do just that. Put another way, after this leadership contest, there wont be anyone left who could realistically lead, finance or organize a group of dissidents from any wing of the party in any meaningful way. Can we have a review of how much the House has actually been sitting over the last 6 months to a year? La personne qui a lanc cette ptition a dcid d'agir. They will be worried about the partys movement further and further away from the political centre, where the bread and butter of Liberal voters have traditionally been. Doug irwin. The answer lies in the behaviour of Trudeaus cabinet and senior circle of influencers. It is far from a minority, the majority of Canada wants him out and now we can show this fact by joining this petition to make our voices be heard. The financial audit, including the years 2016 to 2022, will be examined by an independent accounting firm and the legal office of Marie Henein. When you support The Post Millennial, you support freedom of the press at a time when it's under direct attack. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, WINDSOR, Ont. A freedom of information request resulted in, Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children Kid Carson, June 15 2022 Top epidemiologist for Public Health Agency of Canada never recommended vaccination, Underprivileged kids are being discriminated against and denied opportunities because of their, The videos on this page will speak for themselves. | A petition launched approximately two years ago by an anonymous individual has recently gained momentum. Justin Trudeau lied to all of us. Box 303 He is lying to justify making himself a dictator in a country that used to be a democracy. Without getting into political minutae, or your personal political beliefs, he simply hasn't done that badly by any measure y. RSV, Covid, Injections & Fear. There are signs that these Liberal leadership potentiates are trying to do just that. #1 Trusted Gravity Water Purification System! 2022 is the year of truth & Humanity! That includes Liberal/Conservative moderate swing voters that Scott Aitchison and Jean Charest have made a particular point of reaching out to, and Canadians from numerous cultural communities that Patrick Brown was attempting to bring into the fold. "I asked her about the whole no-confidence vote," the protester said, raising the idea that the Conservatives could provoke a vote in the House to topple Trudeau's government. "The situation is no . We, the undersigned citizens of Canada have lost confidence in him as Canadas Prime Minister and we feel he no longer serves the best interests of Canadians. No election yet as Liberal minority government survives third budget confidence vote Prime Minister Justin Trudeau holds a press conference in Ottawa on Friday, April 23, 2021, during the COVID-19 . Responding to growing calls for the next RCMP commissioner to be an Indigenous person, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called it "an excellent Idea." The . Please. However, all signs are pointing to a decisive first or at most, second ballot Poilievre victory in September. But there are more likely and interesting names popping up with greater frequency. The only real tool Trudeau now has to prevent this from happening is to call a fall 2022 election. Since 2020, Leighton has acted as lead counsel in several high profile Constitutional cases, The Vietnam War killed 50,000 plus young males in our social order in the baby boom, SARS2 was rapidly labeled a respiratory disease. Proudly powered by WordPress Join the ranks of independent, free thinkers by supporting us today for as little as $1. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has said the threat posed by the so-called Freedom Convoy justified use of the act. This will make it much harder for Trudeau to pull the Conservatives in a million different directions and make a counter narrative stick. For the first time during his tenure as Liberal party leader, the caucus unity tables will be firmly turned on Trudeau, with the Conservatives in better shape than the Liberals. which has alreadyfiredover 2500 healthcare workers continues to terminate, Canadas Conservative Party The So Called Alternate Government Cant Run A Leadership Campaign Of, Some of you have contacted me about the recent CTV and Globe news tories about, It should be no surprise that the two candidates whom the corrupt state propagandists tell us are. At this point, it is only a matter of time before Trudeaus would-be successors and their assorted agitators become more emboldened and start to stage more robust attempts to sabotage him. The conservative opposition voted together against Trudeau, who was able to hang on thanks to the support of three other smaller blocs in the lower chamber. Police said Monday that theyve made 196 arrests and towed 115 vehicles. Why? Hurtful and racist symbols were everywhere the incessant honking was unbearable, Ottawa Centre MP Yasir Naqvi told POLITICO over the weekend. The establishment media is increasingly dedicated to divisive cancel culture, corporate wokeism, and political correctness, all while covering up corruption from the corridors of power. It now reaches more than 320,000 unique visitors weekly. December 7, 2022. Plus other informative documentaries. Go Truckers! We can prove this was intent. A $3/month subscription. In all seriousness, any behind-the-scenes agitators that facilitated the Scheer and OToole ousters might, having vanquished all other opponents, finally be satiated with the influence and policy direction that a Poilievre led Conservative Party will offer them. It is clear that Trudeau is a radical authoritarian who does not believe in democracy, liberty, or a free society. A true-believing senior Liberal organizer, or one that hasnt lived through a longer cycle of government, might scoff at the prospects of Trudeau wanting to fire up the war room over the next couple of months. In the aftermath, it will be critical for the post-war Conservative Party to quickly relearn how to constructively work together, and earn the trust of broader groups of Canadians we need on board to earn the right to govern but that might not have full overlap with Pierre Poilievres leadership following. I weave spirit into social commentary into political statements and often laugh at my own jokes. Ill bet PMO communications staffers will find a lot of their Parliamentary Secretaries mysteriously unavailable to put themselves in the hot seat for the evening political talk shows. Pat King & 5th Estate Secret Recording of Their Interview, Freedom Convoy Press Conference Feb 17 Emergencies Act, Roman Barber: Vote Down Trudeaus Declaration of Emergency Canada Wide Petition to the Senate, Dr David Martin Names & Faces of Those Killing Humanity, Convoy & Brian Peckford Invoking The Emergency Act Press Conference, FREE Legal Defence For Protesters In The Trucker Freedom Convoy Support & Receive, Taking Back Our Freedoms Ottawa Health Press Conference, No Medical Science Behind Mandates They Must Be Stopped NOW, Dr David Martin Exposes Why Trudeau Wont Back Down. There was so much amazing, Umar Sheikh, a B.C. On Monday morning, he told Canadians the state of emergency is not over. Previous Post The Editors' Quote of the Day: Ad Civil Defense Manual - Two Volume Set. Global COVID Summit Declaration IV Restore Scientific Integrity. View all posts by Hilary, Your email address will not be published. He has declared martial law in Canada in response to the truck protests. You scientists and clinicians are raising concerns but give us. His vast, NOW is the time to take IMMEDIATE AND MASSIVE ACTION to spread the word around the world regarding, Jost et al. Canadas Deputy Prime Minister says she plans to make her emergency powers permanent. Listen to this gentle, Aired on January 30th, 2022. OTTAWA, ONTARIO Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is facing resistance from those who believe he went too far by invoking the federal Emergencies Act to end the largely peaceful protests. A commentary about B36. Justin Trudeau survives vote of no confidence . Here are some great points about what, Seasoned criminal defence lawyer Karen Bastow sheds light on the best legal actions concerned, Smugglers in Buffalo offer transportation to Roxham Road for $1,000-$2,000 per person. I know the people behind the Poilievre victory understand the critical importance of a cohesive political narrative and subsequent caucus message discipline. From a distance, there is solid rationale for Trudeau to see his current mandate through at least another year. But to be fair, the case for Trudeau not triggering a fall 2022 election is strong. Dr. PETER MCCULLOUGH: The vaccine is not safe and obviously not working! I have served under leaders who have had it both ways, and now so has Trudeau. Canadian Conservative lawmakers on Wednesday ousted Erin O'Toole as leader, angry over the main opposition party's third straight loss to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberals in a 2021 election. Buckle in, leave your cognitive dissonance at the door, It is withholding certain vaccine data from the public over fears it would be interpreted as the, Look at what has happened. JWR is a journalist, technical writer, and novelist. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister of Canada/Premier ministre du Canada). Protesters also shut down key trade corridors for a time along the U.S.-Canada border, including at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ont. The mandates turned out to be the least of their grievances. Catherine McKenna has arguably already cornered the market for former Canadian left wing politicians on the climate change policy speaking circuit. The Conservatives and Bloc Qubcois voted against use of the sweeping enforcement measures and accused the prime minister of overreach. The House of Commons voted 211 to 121 in favor of approving the budget, which was proposed in April and contains a plan to spend CAN$101.4 billion (69 billion euros) over three years. He attacked the idea of a protest heading from all parts of Canada to Ottawa to bring the dissatisfaction of the people to his door step. 7 Hours of Video Fact Checking, BC Lawyer Arguing Unions Colluded With Government To Impose Mandates, The Pandemic Declared Over By Doctors & Scientists, George Jonas Freedom Award Winner: Tamara Lich, Nothing Can Harm You. Remove Justin Trudeau from office. We need a. The 2021-2022 budget, which began. An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income. Say Goodbye to, Para el espaol, haga clic aqu. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. And with a vote on the Emergencies Act coming on Monday, I would hope our MPs are deep in conversation and debate, thinking critically to determine what is best for our country. James Topp met with MPs in person for, Dr. York Hsiang is a Vancouver vascular surgeon and one of the named plaintiffs in the petition. But none of this is in the cards for the Liberals this time around. We, the undersigned citizens of Canada have lost confidence in him as Canada's Prime Minister and we feel he no longer serves the best interests of Canadians. He will do everything in his power to prevent that from happening. Dr Malone Comments, Exposing Canadians of Influence Tied to WEFs Great Reset Agenda, CDC Confirms Withholding Gene Therapy Injection Data From The Public, It Has Been 2 Years Canada! With the war being over, the leadership team will be able to be more focused on this than putting out internal fires. Consider a hypothetical: Conservative Erin O'Toole runs against Trudeau. We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the Governor General of Canada and/or House of Commons to dissolve Parliament and call a Federal Election. And he has benefitted from it as Liberal leader during the 2015 election campaign against Harper and to today. Trudeau is no stranger to what happens when a leader slowly loses the support of their party and the electorate while the opposition party gets its act together. Jan 12, 2022 2 minute read ADVERTISEMENT A petition with the goal of reaching 1 million signatures to remove Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from office has reached over 20 percent of its goal. Find systems, replacement filters, parts and more here. We researched the claim that Suzette. Ukrainian nationalist, United Nations (Understand UNsustainable, Here) forces and allies, many with ties to the new age. This week we are Live from Ottawa, in support of the incredibly courageous and exciting FREEDOM, Senator Ron Johnson is the only member of Congress holding hearings on COVID plandemic. Maajid Nawaz with Joe Rogan, how this system will deny you access to going where you want and when. Conservative MPs who were elected post Harper government will need to figure out how to express themselves within the bounds of what will certainly be tighter message discipline expectations needed for the team to win a general election. World Economic Forum NO-NO, Nuremberg 2 Grand Jury Proceeding Court of Public Opinion All Dates, Chrystia Freelands a Director of Klauss WEF & A Nazi Grand Daughter, Dr Paul Alexander, Dr Valerio: Send Corrupt Doctors to Jail.. All Lies, Fraud Beyond Any Weve Known Edward Dowd Wall Street, UPDATE Peace & Love Woman With Walker Trampled By Police Horses, Canada! The claim that situations in relation the Emergencies Act have made it too dangerous for the House to gather, sounds eerily like the logic that covid numbers made it too dangerous for protesters to be out objecting to our hyper-focus on covid numbers. November 2022 Archbishop Carlo, SARS-COV-2 Antibody Testing Explained. Third Tory MP calls for no confidence vote in PM - as it happened Gary Streeter becomes latest Tory MP to put letter into 1922 Committee; Labour says Gove plans to 'turbo-charge the country'.
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